SAM Tools & Reports

Setting Up Your SAM Tool And Reports

Will your SAM tool get you through an audit and protect you from a compliance finding?

Your tool should be properly configured, providing reports and meeting all the other often complex and hidden requirements in order to be properly covered against a compliance review.

It is critical that you know what is installed in your environment before you can have a meaningful negotiation with a vendor or their auditor. Allowing an auditor access to your system or access to reports is not a good idea unless you know exactly what you are giving them and how they are going to use that information. It is also critical that you understand how the vendor and their auditor will approach the audit and what they will be looking for.  Fisher Australia has experience in assessing your situation quickly using vendor purchase records as well as reading and installing software discovery tooling such as the IBM Licence Metric Tool (ILMT) and BigFix Administrator.

We are highly skilled in ILMT and BigFix and combine our extensive knowledge of IBM’s Passport Advantage requirements and rules to ensure you are properly covered.

Fisher Australia also has its own installed instance of IBM’s License Metric Tool and are members of the worldwide network of vendor independent licensing specialists IAITAM.

These resources allow us to perform confidential proactive software baseline audits where the results of any past or present exposures are known only to the client.

Get in touch

Please email us at if you have any questions or wish to discuss your SAM requirements.  You can also call us for a confidential discussion in Melbourne on 03 9036 9960 and Sydney on 02 9045 8804.